Monday 1 May 2017

This is 6 Social Media Applications Predicted to be in 2017

This is 6 Social Media Applications Predicted to be in 2017. The latest social media development is no death, there used to be Friendster and Myspace that was booming but the presence of Facebook and Twitter make Friendster and Myspace start in leave. Currently there are some popular social media, besides Facebook and Twitter there is Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Path, Vine, Snapchat, Line and the latest is Periscope. In the year 2017 there are some new applications in the prediction will ngehits and disturb the existing social existence of popular media.

With the presence of some new social media you can try something new, especially if you already feel bored with social media that you have now. Here are 6 social media applications that predicted ngetrend in 2017 that I quote from PC Advisor.

This is 6 Social Media Applications Predicted to be in 2017

Sunday 30 April 2017

Tips on Buying Templates Or Website Scripts For Beginners

Tips on Buying Templates Or Website Scripts For Beginners. Who does not want to have a website or blog with cool or premium look, or want to have an online store website like olx and have a classifieds website, Of course for a blogger or who wants to do internet business but new beginners of course impossible to get all that Except buy or use designer services.

Tips on Buying Templates Or Website Scripts For Beginners

Here are some options you can choose:

Saturday 29 April 2017

SEO Optimizing Website Using Blogs Order to be No. 1 in Google

SEO Optimizing Website Using Blogs order to be No. 1 in Google. Previously I wrote an article about the understanding of SEO. And this time I'll try to review some of the steps on how to SEO a website so that we can get a site ranking in Google and other search engines.

Probably quite brief, but I wrote based on what I learned in SEO Academy and some experimentation personal experience, as well as from several other references. Hopefully what I write can provide inspiration for you to understand more about the practical steps in website SEO implementation. All right, let's go ..
SEO Optimizing Website Using Blogs Order to be No. 1 in Google
SEO Optimizing Website Using Blogs Order to be No. 1 in Google

The Easy Way To Use Google Keyword Planner

The Easy Way To Use Google Keyword Planner. Google Keyword Planner is one of the free tools commonly used blogger for keyword research (keyword research). Unfortunately, this device is not friendly to the person who first used it. Instead of knowing a certain number of keywords, that person will "crash" into the page creating the first AdWords ad campaign. Wonder, dizzy, and upset will usually be experienced by those who go to the page.

How not, the goal wants to know the search volume of a keyword and its relevant keywords, instead as if "told" to create an advertising campaign that must be paid by credit card.

The Easy Way To Use Google Keyword Planner

For those of you who will be using Google Keyword Planner for the first time and do not want to "fall" to the page above, follow these steps.

How To Make Visitors Traffic Blog Stable or Even Rise Although Rarely Make a Post

How To Make Visitors Traffic Blog Stable or Even Rise Although Rarely make a post. Post on the blog regularly and consistently is one of the obstacles that often faced by a blogger. No matter the new or old bloggers will often experience feeling lazy, not have an idea, not have the inspiration or not the spirit to write a post on his blog.

Especially for bloggers who do not have a background hobby writing like me, every day it's like to stop blogging alone. It is not a secret anymore if the more diligent posting usually blog visitors will also increase. But even that does not mean diligent posting to be the only way to increase blog visitors.

Buddy can still increase blog visitors or at least make the traffic of blog visitors stable even though rarely post on the blog. Blog Sugeng.ID This is a simple example of a blog that rarely posts but almost never experienced a decrease in visitor traffic, even every month always increased.

Buddy can still increase blog visitors or at least make the traffic of blog visitors stable even though rarely post on the blog.

His example is like his blog mas sugeng, which rarely Update Articles, which rarely post but almost never experienced a decrease in visitor traffic, even every month always has increased.