Saturday, 29 April 2017

How To Make Visitors Traffic Blog Stable or Even Rise Although Rarely Make a Post

How To Make Visitors Traffic Blog Stable or Even Rise Although Rarely make a post. Post on the blog regularly and consistently is one of the obstacles that often faced by a blogger. No matter the new or old bloggers will often experience feeling lazy, not have an idea, not have the inspiration or not the spirit to write a post on his blog.

Especially for bloggers who do not have a background hobby writing like me, every day it's like to stop blogging alone. It is not a secret anymore if the more diligent posting usually blog visitors will also increase. But even that does not mean diligent posting to be the only way to increase blog visitors.

Buddy can still increase blog visitors or at least make the traffic of blog visitors stable even though rarely post on the blog. Blog Sugeng.ID This is a simple example of a blog that rarely posts but almost never experienced a decrease in visitor traffic, even every month always increased.

Buddy can still increase blog visitors or at least make the traffic of blog visitors stable even though rarely post on the blog.

His example is like his blog mas sugeng, which rarely Update Articles, which rarely post but almost never experienced a decrease in visitor traffic, even every month always has increased.

What's the secret?

Directly listened below.

Create Evergreen Content

Some of my friends may just hear the term Evergreen Content. The purpose of Evergreen Content here is a content (content = post) that remains relavan even when read aja, or easy language content that is not easy stale.

Almost most of the posts on this blog is Evergreen Content which is certainly the reason why this blog traffic is stable even up even though never post for weeks to months.

Here are some examples of articles that can be called as Evergreen Content:

1. Articles Guide or Tutorial

A guide or tutorial article is an article that teaches step by step to do something.

2. Definition Article

In this blog you can say there is no article of this type, but in the future I want to fill more of this blog with article definition.

The article definition here means an article that explains the meaning, purpose or concept of a thing.

Maybe my friend was wondering, Article definition is already complete on Wikipedia, why make this model article?

Indeed most of the definition articles can be found on Wikipedia, but it would be smarter if we could explain a thing with its own language style.

Because most people are lazy to read Wikipedia because the style of language used is not easy to read and hard to understand.

3. Article List

This is my favorite article type, that is article list. List articles are articles that list a thing. Articles of this type usually have numbers in the title.

4. And others ...

There are many other types of articles that can become an Evergreen Content.

The important thing to keep in mind when wanting to make Evergreen Content is to make sure if the content that we make a lot of who are looking for it.

Useless if we make a post that is not easy stale but there is no demand.

Update existing content

Many bloggers who think to update our blog should publish a new post, but to update the blog can also update existing posts.

So when we do not have an idea we can use the time we have to update the existing post. For example fixing a typo, making it more complete, or updating the information in it.

There are several benefits that can be obtained if we consistently update the postings on our blog:
  1. Make posts more qualified over time
  2. Got good ranking on Google because Google likes quality articles and also up-to-date.
  3. Obviously if it gets a good ranking will affect the traffic of visitors who increase.

Improve Blog Promotion

The last one I think is most important but many bloggers who are not too concerned about it, namely blog promotion.

Blogging is not just about how diligent posting articles on blogs, but also about how active in promoting blogs.

If the blog we are filled with content that is not easy stale, then we must promote the content so that more read.

Rather than spend the time to make new posts better time is used to promote content that already exists. I think that way is much more effective.

The conclusion is clear, my friend does not need to post articles blindly so that blog visitors are increasing. But even though that does not mean after reading this post you can simply laze to post articles on the blog.

If it is able to post articles diligently it will be better, but if you feel not able (for a reasonable reason) then better not to be imposed. Use the ways I've written above.